NFTee’s press release with Korean News

NFTee | SidoGames | TigerClaw | Blockchain Videogame

NFTee’s press release with Korean News

NFTee x TigerClaw

NFTee ( has partnered with the Korean gaming company ‘TigerClaw’ to develop the NFT Marketplace ( for the blockchain video game ‘Major Fishing League’. This blockchain-based game is part of the SIDO Games ( ‘Play to Earn (P2E)’ ecosystem. NFTee created a customized crypto wallet, in-game currency, NFT in-game items, and the Marketplace.

Starting with MFL, SIDO Games will launch a golf P2E game ‘Major Golf League’ and a hunting P2E game ‘Major Hunting League’ one after another.

The details of this news has been released in Korea:

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